4/12- Texas 2x2 Reading
Program Due in the Library for KN-2nd grade students who chose to
4/19- 4/23- ONLINE ScholasticBook Fair
4/29- Poem in Your Pocket
Day- bring a poem to share with your classmates
5/14- ALL student library
books due in the library
iPad/Chromebook RETURN for ALL F2F students
- PreK and Kindergarten F2F device return (see instructions below)
5/17- 5th Grade
F2F device return (see instructions below)
5/18- 4th Grade
F2F device return (see instructions below)
5/19- 3rd Grade
F2F device return (see instructions below)
5/20- 2nd Grade
F2F device return (see instructions below)
Students who have checked out
a device from Stanley Elementary or Katy ISD will need to bring their checked-
- iPad or
Chromebook (if you have added a passcode to the device please remove it)
- Charging cord
with the power adapter
If there are any damages or
problems with the device list these on paper and put in the bag.