Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Upcoming Events


4/12- Texas 2x2 Reading Program Due in the Library for KN-2nd grade students who chose to participate

4/19- 4/23- ONLINE ScholasticBook Fair

4/29- Poem in Your Pocket Day- bring a poem to share with your classmates

5/14- ALL student library books due in the library

iPad/Chromebook RETURN for ALL F2F students 

4/12 - PreK and Kindergarten F2F device return (see instructions below)

5/17- 5th Grade F2F device return (see instructions below)

5/18- 4th Grade F2F device return (see instructions below)

5/19- 3rd Grade F2F device return (see instructions below)

5/20- 2nd Grade F2F device return (see instructions below)

Students who have checked out a device from Stanley Elementary or Katy ISD will need to bring their checked-

  1. iPad or Chromebook (if you have added a passcode to the device please remove it)
  2. Charging cord with the power adapter

If there are any damages or problems with the device list these on paper and put in the bag.